Tequila Teacup

Hi Loves.
Can not believe how crazy things are since the launch party. Crazy, but amazing, feel very grateful to do something I love so much and have such a rad reaction. Let's keep this radness going.
Have fun below...

Love this bag, stole this photo from Oracle Fox. Come to think of it, took a couple photo's from them on here, so be sure to check out their blog so I don't feel like a jerk.

true denim lovers. I like.

too much pressure =

who could possibly ever be mad at this?
I need these in my life, will feel much more refined drinking tequila from a teacup.
just sayin.

yup, pretty much

i have days like these sometimes...


Blog Love on Bliss

Dainty Hooligan Clothing got some love on Bliss Blog.
If you want to check it out here, I won't be mad.

To the Moon & Back


how far along is she here? I mean really?

make up <3

who's mad at baths...

kind of a goddess...